Monday, February 23, 2009

Day Two of the Olympic Trials

This multi-media thing is starting to get to me, and it's only the second day in Colorado. Half exhausting, half exhilarating, I'm getting addicted to this all-connected, all-the-time thing. Tweets during the morning game, then audiocasts for the next two draws - I'm exhausted.

But I'm not the important one. Team Lin is what everyone wants to hear about. It was a tough day for them as they went 0-2 losing to Aileen Sormunnen in the morning and Cassie Potter in late afternoon. A few misses in each game put them behind but they fought back valiantly in both games to make them close.

Again, some great shots in both games but the best was probably Charrissa's draw in the 7th end against Cassie on her last stone. Cassie had just made a great shot to lie 2 buried in the four-foot with hammer. Charrissa was hoping to just freeze on her front stone to hold Cassie to 1, but when the stone came past the guards and started to curl hard, a great sweep call enabled them to roll the stone off the shot rock to sit 1, completely buried. A cheer erupted from the 150+ crowd. Cassie was a bit heavy on her last stone and Charrissa's team stole an important 1 to pull within two, now down 7-5.

Earlier in the 3rd end, Charrissa had almost the same shot on her last stone, playing a tap on Cassie's shot stone buried on the button. Cassie was sitting 3 and Charrissa had to come through a very small port, past two guards on the inside and one on the outside. She made a great throw and Nicole and Karen swept it past the first pair of guards but it just wicked Cassie's 3rd shot at the top of the 4. Had they been able to get it past, they would have taken 1 instead of giving up a steal of 3 - a four-point swing and the difference between being down 3-1 and 6-0. Definitely not an easy shot, as Cassie herself complimented Charrissa at the start of the fourth end "That was a great shot." Sportsmanship at its best.

The team continues to play better every game and it's only a matter of time before they get that first W and start posting more on the board.

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