Monday, February 1, 2010

GNCC Mixed Championship wrap-up

It all came down to the final game on Sunday at 2pm. Team Surka (Derek, Charrissa, Sean and Rachel) versus Team Mellerup (Dennis,Janice, Dan and Joyance with Elly Bockley as a fifth*). When the ice chips cleared, Team Surka was the winner for the third straight year. They are now off to Chicago for the Mixed Nationals.

* So how did Elly end up on this team from Ardsley? Well, in the Saturday afternoon game, Joyance went down hard while sweeping a rock. After quite a long break to check her out and fix up the ice, the team needed to find a sub. For mixed championships there are rules that a team must have 4 players and a sub must be from the host club. Elly happened to be there at the time as an official. So, she borrowed some curling shoes and clothes and went in to finish the game which Dennis won. Joyance headed for the hospital to get checked out further and Elly played in the final round robin game on Saturday night. This was the first of three games of Derek playing Dennis.

Derek won that game to finish at 4-0 after the round robin. Dennis was 3-1 which dictated a tie break game on Sunday morning. There is a double knockout provision in the championship as well, a team must lost two games to be eliminated. Joyance returned for play on Sunday and Dennis won that first tie break game. This resulted in a third Derek/Dennis match up. Derek was up two without the hammer in the tenth end and ran Dennis out of rocks to win the game.

All three games played between these two teams were great examples of shotmaking and skill.

And in the no rest for the weary category, Derek and Sean are off to North Dakota this weekend for the Men's Challenge round. Three teams will come out of that competition to play in the National Championship for the right to represent the USA in the Worlds. That competion starts on Thursday.


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